Faculté de médecine - Département de nutrition
- Nutrition
- Pédiatrie
- Communication
- Éducation
Présence sur le Web
Expertise de recherche
- Littératie alimentaire
- L'apprentissage de la littératie alimentaire chez les enfants et le rôle que les adultes peuvent jouer pour les soutenir
- Littératie alimentaire dans un contexte où des modifications alimentaires sont requises, telles que dans la gestion de maladies chroniques
- Littératie alimentaire chez les familles modernes, incluant chez les personnes qui ont immigré au Canada
- Littératie alimentaire des personnes en situation d'insécurité alimentaire
- Littératie alimentaire et pratiques alimentaires parentales chez les familles, incluant le rôle des pères
- Pratique professionnelle en nutrition
- Identité professionnelle
- Interdisciplinarité en santé
- Pédagogie en sciences de la santé
- Humilité culturelle, anti-racisme et justice sociale en nutrition
2022 Postdoctoral fellowship, Department of Family Relations and Applied Human Nutrition, University of Guelph
2019 PhD, Medical Sciences and Department of Pediatrics, McMaster University
2013 MSc, Department of Human Health and Nutritionnal Sciences, University of Guelph
2010 BSc Nutrition, Département de Nutrition, Faculté de Médecine, Université de Montréal
Titres professionnels et autres affiliations
- Membre de l'Ordre des Diététistes Nutritionnistes du Québec
- Membre du College of Dietitians of Ontario
- Membre des Diététistes du Canada
- Membre de la Société Canadienne de Nutrition
Pour en savoir plus
Perreault M, Mottola M, Atkinson S. (2022) Individualized high dairy protein + walking program supports bone health in pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. nqac182. (accepté 27 Juin 2022).
Atkinson S, Maran A, Dempsey K, Perreault M, Vanniyasingam T, Phillips S, Hutton E, Mottola M, Wahoush O, Xie F, Thabane L. (2022) Be Healthy in Pregnancy (BHIP): A randomized controlled trial of nutrition and exercise intervention from early pregnancy to achieve recommended gestational weight gain. Nutrients. 14(4): 810.
Carroll N*, Perreault M, Ma D, Haines J. (2021) Assessing food and nutrition literacy in children and adolescents: A systematic review of existing tools. Public Health Nutrition, 1-16.
*Étudiant de thèse MSc sous ma co-supervision
Mortaji N, Krzeczkowski JE, Boylan K, Booij L, Perreault M, Van Lieshout RJ. (2021) Maternal pregnancy diet, postnatal home environment and executive function and behavior in 3-to 4-y-olds. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 114(4),1418-1427.
Article sélectionné Choix de l’éditeur
Perreault M, Moore CJ, Fusch G, Koon T, Atkinson SA. (2019). Factors associated with serum 25- hydroxyvitamin D concentration in two cohorts of pregnant women in Southern Ontario, Canada. Nutrients. 11(1): 123.
Perreault M, Atkinson SA, Meyre D, Fusch G, Mottola MF. (2019). Summer season and recommended vitamin D intake support adequate vitamin D status throughout pregnancy in healthy Canadian women and their newborns. Journal of Nutrition. 150(4)739-746.
Moore CJ, Perreault M, Mottola M, Atkinson SA. (2019). Diet in early pregnancy: focus on folate, vitamin B12, vitamin D and choline. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research.81: 1-8.
Beardsall A*, Perreault M, Farncombe T, Vanniyasingam T, Thabane L, Teo KK, Atkinson SA. (2019). Maternal and child factors associated with bone length traits in children at 3 years of age. Bone. 127: 1-8.
*Étudiant du baccalauréat complétant un projet de recherche sous ma co-supervision
Perreault M, Atkinson SA, Mottola MF, Phillips SM, Bracken K, Hutton EK, Xie F, Meyre D, Morassut RE, Prapavessis H, Thabane L. (2018). Structured diet and exercise guidance in pregnancy to improve health in women and their offspring: study protocol for the Be Healthy in Pregnancy (BHIP) randomized controlled trial.Trials. 19(1): 691.
Perreault M, Xu VYY, Hamilton S, Wright D, Foster W, Atkinson SA. (2016). Validation of a food frequency questionnaire for bone nutrients in pregnant women. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research. 77(3): 133-139.
Perreault M, Mikail S*, Atkinson SA. (2016). New Health Canada nutrition recommendations for infants Birth to 24 Months address the importance of early nutrition. Nutrition Today. 51(4): 186-190.
* Étudiant en médecine complétant un projet de recherche sous ma co-supervision
Badoud F, Lam KP, Perreault M, Zulyniak MA, Britz-McKibbin P, Mutch DM. (2015). Metabolomics reveals metabolically healthy and unhealthy obese individuals differ in their response to a caloric challenge. PLoS One. 10(8): e0134613
Badoud F, Perreault M, Zulyniak MA, Mutch DM. (2015). Molecular insights into the role of white adipose tissue in metabolically unhealthy normal weight and metabolically healthy obese individuals. The FASEB Journal. 29(3): 748-758.
Perreault M, Zulyniak MA, Badoud F, Stephenson S, Badawi A, Buccholz A, Mutch DM. (2014). A distinct fatty acids profile underlies the reduced inflammatory state of metabolically healthy obese individuals. PloS One. 9(2): e88539.
Badoud F, Lam KP, Dibattista A, Perreault M, Zulyniak MA, Cattrysse B, Stephenson S, Britz-Mckibbin, Mutch DM. (2014). Serum and adipose tissue amino acid homeostasis in the metabolically healthy obese. Journal of Proteome Research. 13(7): 3455-3466.
Perreault M, Roke K, Badawi A, Nielsen DE, Abdelmagid SA, El-Sohemy A, Ma DW, Mutch DM. (2014). Plasma levels of 14:0, 16:0, 16:1n-7, and 20:3n-6 are positively associated, but 18:0 and 18:2n6 are inversely associated with markers of inflammation in young healthy adults. Lipids. 49(3): 255-263.
Zulyniak MA, Perreault M, Gerling C, Spriet LL, Mutch DM. (2013). Fish oil supplementation alters circulating eicosanoid concentrations in young healthy men. Metabolism. 62(8): 1107-1113.
Kleiber N, Chessex P, Rouleau T, Nuyt AM, Perreault M, Lavoie JC. (2010). Neonatal exposure to oxidants induces later in life a metabolic response associated to a phenotype of energy deficiency in an animal model of total parenteral nutrition. Pediatric research. 68(3): 188-92.